Für 4:
500 ml Buttermilch
300g Heidelbeeren (tiefgekühlt)
2-4 EL Zucker (nach Geschmack)
Saft von 1/2 Limette
Die angetauten Heidelbeeren und die Buttermilch mit einem Pürierstab verquirlen. Mit Zucker und Limettensaft abschmecken.
Idee: Mit Gelatine auch als Dessert geeignet.
Violet mood drink
For 4 persons:
500ml of buttermilk
300g of frozen blueberries
2-4 tablespoonfuls of sugar (as much as you like)
The juice of ½ lime
How to do it:
Whisk the thawed blueberries with the buttermilk (use a hand-held blender). Add as much sugar and lime as you like.
Idea: You can present it as a desert if you add gelatin!
Violet mood drink
For 4 persons:
500ml of buttermilk
300g of frozen blueberries
2-4 tablespoonfuls of sugar (as much as you like)
The juice of ½ lime
How to do it:
Whisk the thawed blueberries with the buttermilk (use a hand-held blender). Add as much sugar and lime as you like.
Idea: You can present it as a desert if you add gelatin!
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